√ Madrasah In Different Countries In The World

 Madrasah in Pakistan had been major issues after  √ Madrasah in different countries in the world

Madrasah in Pakistan had been major issues after 9/11 attacked which is madrasas in Pakistan are blamed for terrorism and promoting Islamic military because the perpetrators of 9/11 was a student of a Pakistani Madras. However, Madrasa in Pakistan defend themselves and against the allegation of terrorism, the curriculums of the madrasa modified form of the Dars-I Nizami which is comprise Arabic grammar and literature, logic rhetoric, and mathematic among the rational sciences(maqulat) the student study so many various of thing in Madrasa in Pakistan such as medicine, and astronomy but the one aspect of reaching in the Madrasa which has received scant attention is that the students are taught the art of debate(munazarah)
Economically, the Madrasa in Pakistan are generally financed by voluntary charity, and this is provided by bazaar businessmen and other people who believe of earning great merit by contributing to build Madrasa in order the help poor people and can go to Madrasa to study, because in the Pakistan 48,95% student have economical problems that why they choose the Madrasa the best way to continue study because madrasa provide very cheap school fee and even free for the people who really poor and cannot earn money to go to school.

China today has larger Muslims and its divided in to 10 ethnics groups known as the Hui, which the most assimilated the major issues of the madrasah is that china Muslims school emphasis on girl schools and the most things is the linkages and networks of Chinese Muslims students who have travelled abroad to learn about Islam and further the Islamic education in order to examining their experiences of living amongst other Muslims with their different societies and communities, and as a result, the potential impact of going abroad and learning about Islam is really changes their communities upon their return home in china and they be able to teach in established Islamic colleges in china. However no longer that much needed for Chinese muslims to study abroad as there are now enough teachers with sufficient pembinaan has becomes more attractive for students to just continue their advanced Islamic education in China. The place where chinese study abroad is separated in general,such as, Arab, Iran, Yunnan, Malaysia as well and etc. but the major problems after their coming back to china is dispute things among them, because what they learn in different foreign countries such as in Asia, Arab and Europe are different method ways, so they feels that what they had learned in Arab is best thing to show in their country. In facts, the other students will says so and admire their knowledges is better, even tough, they not come to Arab to learn about Islam because they believe that what have they learned is best way to follow as a result this has being disputed among them

Madrasah in Indonesia is variant from the others Madrasa in Pakistan and India, in Indonesia Madrasa also called as Pesantren or Pondok pesantren the meaning is Islamic boarding school where students are living in dormitory that provided by Pesantren itself, the methods of learning in Pesantren is also quite different and it divide into section are Modern systems and Salafi systems of education (traditional). The modern systems methods is the students are not only study strongly about Islam but also they can study formally school such as mathematic, biology, chemical and geography and etc, and the salafi system much more discuses about Islam such as learning deeply about Alquran and Hadist and the system of learning likely seating and listening to teacher, and making circle as well (halaqah). The Pesantren in Indonesia has become a centre of learning and da‘wa. It has played an important role in Indonesia because it is the oldest system of learning and education. Before the modern education system was introduced by the Dutch, the pesantren was the only educational institution available in Indonesia. It should be noted of course that the pesantren in Indonesia still plays its role as an education centre, but it has also to compete with modern secular educational institutions. In addition, the teaching methods in Indonesian pesantrens followed those of mecca and cairo and the curriculum was very similar to that of other regions where the safi`i school is followed.)

The name of the madrasa is from Arabic language mean that “place of study” the most famous the Islamic seminary or Islamic colleges of Islamic studies is called AL-Azhar is an educational institute in Cairo, Egypt that founded in 970-972 as a Madrasa. alongside the Egyptian students who are studying at al-azhar there are also many others students from various Islamic and European countries, however, the foreign students have exactly the same rights as the Egyptian students. Al azhar produce an islam that is far from extremist interpretation, however it also possible to interpret the middle way metaphor in the sense that al azhar as a multilayered and complex institution is able to entertain many religious tendencies and stabilize most of them within its own territory. The interesting thing of al azhar is al- azhar education may be part of the family tradition and provides to its members a strong sense of religious and institutional identity, that why some of the family lovely to sent their children to al –azhar and student would love to study there as education systems is very good and guaranteed for student. Student after graduate from al-azhar soon they can get high respect among the society and be asked to teach in some of university in their home country.

In Iran the systems learning of Islamic education is quite different from the other because in Iran where the majority of the population is Shia. (believe that following the prophet Muhammad`s saw, death leadership should have passed directly to his cousin/son in law, Ali). In Iran the seminaries successful evaded state intervention while claiming to be, after Najaf, the seat of highest learning and religious authority for the shia. And in Iran before 1917 Islamic revolution woman had no official mean accessing seminary education, however, Jamiat Alzahra is begin in the academic year 1985/86 and all the existing maktabs (women`s seminary) in Qom were merged because before maktabs often limited such as Maktab-I Narjis in Mashad, the established of this seminaries for women is because women’s acquisition of the right of study, and after they achieve their knowledge of Islam they should do propaganda or we say in Islamic word is Dakwah. the other issues is the founder of the women’s seminaries are usually clerics who are eager to set up their own seminaries in their hometowns in order to reach out to the female population in the area, this is often star with small class or just usual like halakah, which is 15 or 30 students which is one teacher and one administrator.

In Lebanon the hawza is refers to a new type of religious seminary and this is quite different from the traditional Lebanese Madrasa because its more institutionalize and bureaucratized, the curriculum of study was first founded in the 1970s, Lebanese hawzas did not attempt to coordinate the activities of their director and funders, who resisted the idea of a unified or standardized policy for all. However the students who study in hawzas is standardized and the students are cannot choose their courses freely. Because the curriculum reflects the party`s ideology, this is unlike seminaries in Iraq and Iran where the students are have a choice of classes teaching varying approaches and schools of thought. The students of Hawzas spend four years of study and pembinaan as opposed to the six years requirement at najafand qom, however, few hizballah students they pursue themselves to go to highest or advanced study in qom which are they comprise 15 to 20% of the total number of Lebanese students trabeling to iran for al-bahth al kharij in the 1980s and early 1990s, in hazballah`S structure forward the disciplines and hierarchy to the hawzas with the aim of controlling the number of those who rise to the top on the basis of social demand and the overall benefit to Shi`s society itself.

(Communalities, different is style objectives, mission, levels of education, types of students and relationship between state and society)
In general, Madrasa, Islamic seminaries and Islamic schools are the same meaning what I mean is because the purpose is related of school studies and related to Islamic education by focusing study about Islam, The Arabic word Madrasa (plural Madaris) generally has two meanings first is in its more common literal and in daily spoken it simply means “school” second is in its secondary meaning, a Madrasa is an educational institution offering instruction in Islamic subjects including, but not limited to, the Quran, the sayings or (hadith) of the Prophet Muhammad, jurisprudence (fiqh), and any law in Islam. But this could be different of interpretations of madrasa according each countries in the world such as, in Indonesia Madrasa divided to three kind of madrasa first is madrasa ibtidaiyah (beginning or primary of school) can be interpreted as primary school and the second is madrasah tsanawiyah or secondary school and the last is madrasah Aliya can be interpreted as senior high school and its promotes an Islamic base curriculum even though the secular of education also provided as well but the focus is to introduce the students to know about Islam in basic. On other hand, in Indonesia there is private and special school for deeply learning about Islam called Pesantren or Pondok Pesantren are boarding school Most ‘pesantren’ provide housing or dormitory living at low or no cost for the students (Santri). The two types of educations systems are conducted throughout the day. Students in pesantren have almost 20 hours activities starting from early Morning Prayer starting at 4 am its depend on local prying area to midnight where they ended the evening with a study group in the dormitory in the pesantren the students also study and join formal school such as study biology, mathematics, geography and etc not only religious studies.In many other countries such as Egypt and Lebanon, madrasa refers to any educational institution sponsor by state, private, secular, or religious In Pakistan which is also madrasa commonly refers to Islamic religious schools. This can be a significant because an analysis of “madrasa reform” could have different implications within various cultural, political, and geographic contexts. However, the purpose of the madrasa or Islamic seminaries or Islamic schools is intended to prepare future Islamic religious scholars for student that start for the beginning by knowing basic about Islam and it also have kind of level of studies such as women seminaries system in Iran has preparatory course 3 years general course level 1 2 years level 2 two years special course level 3 three years and level 4 three years and last is extra special course which is level 5 at least 3 years and level 6 at least 4 years.

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